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There are two riddles on the wagon and they need to be solved one after the other. 


When you start the room, you will be in an obscure room, find the switch and click on it to turn on the light.

Solution: 7 Differencies

Solution: Deliveries

First of all you have to focus on the wall full of objects with a poster on the middle.

There is a codex code on that poster, but that's a codex code and how to use it ? This is always a code with 4 numbers. The Companion App player has a widget named "CODEX" in which you can enter these codex code. You will need it all game long to make your way through the train!

> Solution: 7 differencies

IN WHICH you can enter these codex code. You will need it all game long to make your way through the train! The Companion App player enter the codex code. The code opens a 7 differences game. Both players have to communicate to describe what they (don’t) see to complete it. 

> Solution: 7 differencies

Once you find the 7 differencies, press the validate button. If you found the correct ones, a pop up will appear on which there are 3 strange symbols. These symbols are the code to open the furniture.

>Solution: Deliveries

> Solution: Deliveries

There are 5 cardbox and a piece of paper where "Paris" is written.

There is a deliveries book inside the Storage widget. It gives you the order to put the cardbox on the plates.

After the completion of the cardboxes, a cinematic shows you how to use clues but also reveal a hidden suitcase with a coin next to it. Take the coin and put it in the clue machine to get your first clue!

 Read the word on the ticket (for this room it’s “help”) and tell your mate (companion app player) to text this keyword to Mr. Hindis.

Once done, Mr Hindis will give you a clue, in this case he will give you the code to open the suitcase : 562. Companion App player must give this code to his mate so he can open the suitcase and pick up the key to get out of the room!

Congratulations, you cleared the first room!


Welcome to the lounge!

There are 3 riddles in this room, each one uses different skills and understanding to complete the room in time! You can take each of the puzzles in no particular order but you’ll need to resolve them all to escape!

The first puzzle is related to the model on the left when you enter the room. This is based on Cesar encryption.

For the seconde puzzle, both player have to listen carefully to audios and describe them with their voices to resolve the piano riddle. 

The last one is on the little room at the back of the wagon, you will have to use the morse code to resolve it!

Solution: Model

Solution: Scores

Solution: Suitcase

> Solution: Model

Solution: Model

The fundamentals to every escape game is to search everywhere, How 2 Escape doesn't make an exception to the rule!

On the train painting above the model you will find a note with a codex code. You can encounter various codex codes, each one will lead you to a different answer.

Here is an example:

When the companion app player enter the codex code in his application, they will see the same painting as the player in the room. But with a twist : 2 different filters, an ultraviolet filter and a yellow filter.

The first filter will reveal 5 letters, the second a number. This looks like Caesar encryption!

A Caesar cipher consists in shifting the alphabet by a predetermined number of spaces. For example, by shifting the alphabet 3 spaces, B becomes E.

On the table in front of the painting you will find a wheel with two alphabet letters. When you turn the wheel a number indication will appear and help you decrypting the cipher. Put the wheel on the correct shifting so you just have to read the letters corresponding.

Here are the different solutions:

5297 codex code: letters are QUAIH and number is +6, so the final code is WAGON

7935 codex code: letters are HFOWB and number is +12, so the final code is TRAIN

7693 codex code: letters are LFHDX and number is +7, so the final code is SMOKE

4269 codex code: letters are JURRY and the number is +13, so the final code is WHEEL

Once that's done, pick up the key.

> Solution: Scores

Solution: Scores

On the companion app, you can find a voice recorder widget in which you can find an audio named “new_composition.wav”. You have to sing the melody to the player in the room. They have on their side 10 tapes with different names. Find the one you are singing to identify the melody.

Once you have the name, check the score available in your companion app widget ! The melody you are looking for is “Purple Floyd”, find the correct score between the 10 differents you can find in the widget. Once you find it, you’ll have to tell your mate which pedals must be pressed then which notes they have to play.

Once that's done, pick up the key.

> Solution: Suitcase

Solution: Suitcase

This puzzle is based on the morse code. There are 5 important objects on that part of the wagon: the radio, the phone, the wall light, the big light and the record. Each object is related to a morse code.

Here are some of the objects:

In the Companion app, there is a widge "Suitcase" in which you can find how to decode the morse cipher.

The voice recorder widget is important on this puzzle too. There are three audios named: "6am.wav", "3pm.wav" and "11pm.wav". But which one is important? There is a clock on the table. The time indicate which audio the Companion App player has to listen to.

IMAGE de l'horloge

Each audio tells a different story in which every object is mentioned in a specific order. This order will help you to find the code to open the suitcase.

6am.wav order: wall light, radio, big light, phone, record

3pm.wav order: bight light, phone, record, radio, wall lamp

11pm.wav order: record, big light, radio, phone, wall lamp

Procedural solutions:

6am on the clock, suitcase code could be: 43413 or 32822 or 94724

3am on the clock, suitcase code could be: 83912 or 43861 or 28798

11pm on the clock, suitcase code could be: 41237 or 36814 or 19473

Once the suitcase is opened, take the key and get out of the train!

Congratulations, you cleared the 2nd room!


Welcome to the bunk!

There are 3 riddles in this room, each one uses different skills and understanding to complete the room in time! You can take each of the puzzles in no particular order but you’ll need to resolve them all to escape!

The first puzzle is focused on the passengers' tickets but also on their description and their rooms. For this one, logic is the key!

For the second puzzle, it’s important not to get surprised by Austrian monuments' names. Read carefully each story to succeed.

The last one is an identikit photo riddle. Description and communication is the most important to solve this riddle.

Solution: Wagon Plan

Solution: City Plan

Solution: Identikit Photo

> Solution: Wagon Plan

Solution: Wagon Plan

In the first part of the room you’ll find a book on a table. This book can only be opened if you enter a 2 word code. These words are two of the passenger’s names you can find on tickets. 

To find them, use the codex code 1612 that’s available on the wagon plan board in the second part of the room.

The companion app player has to place each passenger in its room by using the informations available in the passengers’ book situated under the wagon plan board. Both players have to cross their informations to solve the riddle and place each passengers in their correct rooms.


Here’s the solution:

When you solve the riddle and validate it, two rooms get highlighted, room 2 and 3. When you have these names, find the tickets from room 2 and 3 to get their names! Their names are COLE and BEIL. To complete the puzzle, put these names in the book to get one of the three tickets to complete the room!

Here is to find where the tickets are:

Once that's done, pick up the key.

> Solution: City Plan

Solution: City Plan

Under the plan, there is a letter with the name of a monument written on it. The companion App player have to find the widget related to the puzzle and find the page which title is this exact monument name. Each page tells a story that takes place in the city of Vienna, each story will go through various parts of the city including 8 monuments. The player on the Companion App have to tell the player in the room each of these monument by describing the drawing related to it so they can press the corresponding button in order to recreate the path of the story. 

If the path is correct, a hidden drawer will open giving the player in the room another ticket to escape!


Here are the solutions:

Wiener Staatsoper / Parlamentsgebäude / Albertina / Hofburg / Maria Theresien Platz / Kunsthistorisches Museum / Naturhistorisches Museum Wien / Domkirche St. Stephan.

- Katholische Kirche St. Peter / Volksgarten / Parlamentsgebäude / Naturhistorisches Museum Wien / Maria Theresien Platz / Kunsthistorisches Museum / Albertina / Wiener Staatsoper.

Volksgarten / Parlamentsgebäude / Hofburg / Kaisergruft / Albertina / Wiener Staatsoper / Katholische Kirche St. Peter / Domkirche St. Stephan.

Kunsthistorisches Museum / Katholische Kirche St. Peter / Domkirche St. Stephan / Albertina / Maria Theresien Platz / Naturhistorisches Museum Wien / Wiener Staatsoper / Hofburg.

Domkirche St. Stephan / Katholische Kirche St. Peter / Hofburg / Volksgarten / Wiener Staatsoper / Albertina / Maria Theresien Platz / Kunsthistorisches Museum.

Kaisergruft / Volksgarten / Parlamentsgebäude / Maria Theresien Platz / Hofburg / Naturhistorisches Museum Wien / Albertina / Kunsthistorisches Museum.

Once that's done, pick up the key.

> Solution: Identikit Photo

Solution: Identikit Photo

Near the bathroom there are lockers, one on which there’s a padlock, meanwhile on another there’s a photo and a note with a codex code on it. Each codex code refers to an identikit photo. The player in the room has to describe it to the companion player once they enter the codex with the correct code so they can reproduce the photo and get their surname.

Here are the solutions:

Now that the first part of this riddle is solved, tell the surname to the player in the room, they have an open book which names, surnames and dates corresponding. 

Find the correct name between the 4 using the same surnames by checking your calendar and find a date that has 3 symbols on it.

The last step is to put these symbols on the padlock that’s on the locker and that’s it! Congrats! You can take the ticket and get out of this room!

Here are the solutions:

Once that's done, pick up the key.

Congratulations, you cleared the 3rd room!


Welcome to the engine!

This room contains 4 riddles, each one uses different skills and understanding to complete the room in time! 3 of them can be solved in any order but one is locked before 2 specifics are done.

On the back of the wagon, there is a big machine with valves. This riddle is based on chemistry. 

On the right of the wagon there is another big machine surrounded by a wire fence. There are 3 riddles on it.

Behind this machine there is plate that can be opened with a screwdriver. With a lot of wires inside.

On the front of this machine, there’s another 2 riddles. On the left, a maze that can be unlockable with the star badge. On the right side, there's the last riddle but it’s locked. It can only be opened by solving the wires and maze puzzles.

Solution: Machine with valves

Solution: Wires

Solution: Lights

Solution: Control Panel

> Solution: Machine with valves

Solution: Machine with valves

Players need to turn the right valves in the right order to create the right mixture.

At the bottom of the machine, there’s a chemistry name. Use the “Machine Instruction Book” widget in the companion app to translate it into a chemistry formula.

Then, go to your photo gallery and search for the photo of the periodic table of elements. Now, find each element that’s in your chemistry formula. 

In the room, there are numbers next to each valve, you have to activate the right valves in the same order as in the formula.

Formula name: Nivalym Thiocetyl

Formula: Si(2) Ba Al(2) O

Si is the 14th element so Si = 14

Ba = 56

Al = 13

O = 8

Si(2) Ba Al(2) O(3 = 14(2) 56 13(2) 8

Number in brackets means the number you have to activate the valve X times. Here the player in the room has to activate the valve number 14 two times then, the 56 once, the 13 twice and then one 8 before pressing the lever above the liquid tank.

The machine breaks down often but there are some ways to fix it.

When the machine is down:

If the light flicking is yellow, press the left button.

If the light flicking is blue, press the button in the middle.

If the light flicking is pink, press the right button.

Here are all the solutions: 

Nivalym Thiocetyl: 14 (x2), then 56 (x1), then 13 (x2), then 8 (x1)

Allylamine Phenylora: 29 (x2), then 51 (x2), then 35 (x1), then 16 (x1)

Methomyl Chlorflutharidine: 11(x1), then 5 (x2), then 1 (x2), then 6 (x1)


Trimethylsilyle halochramido: 6 (x2), then 1 (x1), then 35 (x1), then 17 (x2)

Sodium cyanoborohydrure: 11 (x1), then 16 (x2), then 6 (x1), then 29 (x2)

Potassium Oxalenolpalladate: 19 (x2), then 46 (x1), then 17 (x1), then 5 (x2)

Once that's done, pick up the key.

> Solution: Wires


A screwdriver is needed to open this riddle.

This riddle requires you to fix multiple wires but not all of them. The order you look at them is really important, you have to read them from their base on the left and from top to bottom. 

To help you in this task, the Companion App player has a strange drawing in the photo gallery.

The player who has the wires have to tell their colors meanwhile the companion app player has to follow the path of this color combination. Once in a while, they’ll have indications about instructions they have to follow to complete the fix.

The Companion App player has to start at the start nod in the middle of the drawing. To this nod, there are only two colors linked : red and yellow. If the first wire in the room is a red, then follow this way, one after the other until the puzzle is solved!


PC player wires (top to bottom): yellow / green / red / red / yellow / blue / yellow / green

Here is the following path:

The instructions on that path are: 
- Fix the first wire

- Fix the before last wire starting from the end

- Fix the (((5+3)/2)+3)th wire

Here are all the solutions:

> Solution: Lights


A star badge is needed to open the riddle.

The riddle is quite simple. This is a maze. Player in the room has to put the left light on the right light but doesn't see anything. The Companion App player needs to be the guide by telling which way they have to take to get to the light on the right side of the panel.

> Solution: Control Panel

Control Panel

Now that you solved the Maze and Wires riddles, this one just opened. 

First of all, the player in the room has to give the codex code to the Companion App Player. Now both players have a control panel that they have to describe to each other to make them match.

The first step is to complete the panel on the Companion App, which is strangely the exact same one on the right side as the one in the room. Then the Companion App’s player will have the last part to complete the left side of the room’s control panel.

Here are all the solutions:

Once that's done, pick up the key.

Congratulations, you cleared the 4th room!


Welcome to the kitchen!

This is the one of the most difficult wagon.

This room contains 3 riddles, each one uses different skills and understanding to complete the room in time! You only need one key to get out of the car but it can only be unlocked by completing each riddle.

Several fruits are dispatched in the wagon. The key to solving the first puzzle is to understand what to do with these. It’s a riddle divided in two parts: the first one is to throw out some of these fruits, the second part is to guess their weight to open the padlock. 

Then, you’ll find dish towels that lead to picross / nonogram grids in order to play music with pans. 

The last one will need you to focus on audio recipes and link them to a frying pan pattern.

Solution: Fruits

Solution: Towels/Pans

Solution: Audio tapes recipes

Solution: How to exit?

> Solution: Fruits


First of all, players need to clear fruits out. How do you know which fruits are important?

There is a poster on the right when you enter the room. On which there is a sort of blue strawberry weighing 1g and a name (R. Mustang) on it. 

On the Companion App, there is a fruit book widget with different fruits on each page. One page is titled “R. Mustang” as in the poster. Now that you know the correct fruits, describe them to your teammate so they can throw out all the others.

When it’s done, the wood tray will close and reveal a codex code (2803). Now starts the second part of the riddle. Your goal is now to guess each fruit’s weight. The player in the room can guess the weights thanks to a scale. You can place up to 3 fruits on each plate of the scale so use it to get the heaviest fruits! Then try to get the lightest fruits to complete the puzzle!

Here is the solution:

A pop-up with 3 fruits appears. The goal is simple, put the weight on those 3 fruits and add it one after the other (this isn't an addition!)
1rst fruit weight: 1

2nd fruit weight: 97

3rd fruit weight: 11

So the padlock on the cupboard is 19711

> Solution: Towels/Pans


Five towels are placed on the furniture below the pans. There are some stains on each towel. There are more stains on the 2nd and the 4th towel and if you look carefully, those stains shape numbers : 3 and 2.

This is really important because each towel is related to a number. Player has to find the number of each towel to know the order to hit the pans.

On each towel’s tag there is a codex code. Each one is linked to a different picross / nonogram that you need to solve. Each one, once solved, will give you a number.

In the room, each towel is checked just as a nonogram and contains “pre-checked” boxes in the form of stains. Once the Companion App player is in the codex, the player in the room has to tell where these stains are to help them start the nonogram. The companion App player just have to click on the grid to check the boxes.

Once that’s done. It's a classic picross/nonogram to solve. If the player doesn't know how to solve it, the Companion App player has the explanation on the nonogram widget.

Here is the explanation:

The principle is to fill in a grid with black boxes and empty boxes that will ultimately form a drawing. Much like sudoku, the nonogram is a puzzle with its own set of rules.

The numbers indicate the number of boxes to blacken on the corresponding line or column. The blackened boxes must always follow each other.

There is one exception: when a box contains two numbers, this means that there are two areas to blacken. There is however an unknown number of boxes that separates the two numbers.

By combining the indications for lines and columns, players will solve the nonogram and eliminate doubts about certain squares to blacken.

If you don't want to solve them, here are the solutions of each codex code:









As each towel is related to a number, you now have to read these from left to right and hit the pans in the order given by these numbers.


If the numbers are 2 5 1 3 5. Hit the 2nd pan, then the 5th one, then the 1rst one, then the 3rd one and then the 5th one again.

Once done, a number sequence will be revealed behind the pans. This sequence is related to the temperatures’ button of the furnace’s hotplates.

> Solution: Audio tapes recipes

Audio tapes recipes

For the 1rst part of this puzzle,the player in the room has to read the diploma next to the tape (near the exit). The key information there is the name of the restaurant, but be careful, the name isn't the same each time players enter the room.

On the Companion App, there is a book called “Restaurant Golden book”. The Companion App player has to find the page of the restaurant listed on the diploma. 

For this step, there is a difference between the Chinese version and the other languages. For the chinese version, on the restaurant’s name you will find the dish’s name to listen to on audio tapes. 

For all the other languages, a french text is written but players only have to read the first letter of each line. You don’t have to understand what’s written.


As for example: Nord Sud Est ouest restaurant’s text is:

Fasciné par la culture culinaire japonaise,
Radicalement différente de la nôtre,
Originaire de notre belle Normandie,
Maîtresse de l'or blanc français,
Arnaud N, véritable océan de créativité,
Guidé par l'envie profonde d'allier ces cuisines,
Elabore sans cesse de nouvelles recettes

The 1rst letter of each line shape the word : FROMAGE

For the chinese version, the name of the french meal is already written on the text.

Here are all the solutions:

- Restaurant named "Babines" is related to the meal "Bouillabaisse"

- Restaurant named "Le Chat Goulu" is related to the meal "Ratatouille"

- Restaurant named "Le Nord Sud Est Ouest" is related to the meal "Fromage"

- Restaurant named "Le Breadfirst" is related to the meal "Baguette"

- Restaurant named "Le Pate à Clef" is related to the meal "Croissant"

- Restaurant named "La Boule en Soie" is related to the meal "Bourguignon"

On the right side of the diploma, you can find an audio tape player with various audio tapes. Each one is labeled with a French dish’s name.

The player in the room has to listen to the tape labeled with the French dish’s name previously found.


The tape is an audio recipe. The player can hear some kitchen sounds like water boiling or filling, something getting cut or cooked, etc … The player who is listening to this has to describe the audio in the order he hears it to the smartphone player.


On the Companion App, there is a book named “Recipes Book”. As the name suggests it, various recipes are written in it. The Companion App player has to find the right recipe thanks to the actions the player in the room is describing. 

Once you find the correct recipe, check the next page. On it you will find the final information needed to get the key: where to put the frying pans.

Here are the solutions:







> Solution: How to open the oven to find the exit key?

How to Exit

When players have finished both the towel/ pans riddle, a kind of small door has been opened behind the pans revealing a sequence of numbers. This sequence is related to the temperatures’ button of the furnace’s hotplates. 

Player has to turn EACH button to the temperature written in the sequence.


Here’s an example:

Then, the audio tape recipes puzzle show players how to correctly put the pans.

Here is an example:

Once that's done, the oven opens and reveals the exit key.

Congratulations, you cleared the 5th room!


Welcome to the desk!

For the first part, you can resolve either the submarine or the globe in no particular order. Once a puzzle is solved, you will get one part of the key to access the second part as a part of a codex code. You need to solve both puzzles to get the full codex code and continue the car.

One is hidden in the submarine model, the second in the sun of the solar system model.

There are 2 puzzles on the first part of the car.

One puzzle is at the start of the car. Players needs to open the submarine by putting the correct code on the padlock.

The second one is a two part puzzle : the globe and the solar system.

There is one puzzle on the second part of the car which is about constellations.

Solution: Submarine

Solution: Globe

Solution: Solar system

Solution: Book

Solution: Constellations

> Solution: Submarine


To start this riddle, you have to use the radio located below a window. Near it there is a codex code, give it to your mate on the Companion App then turn the radio on and listen to the audios.

The player in the room can listen to 3 different audios through the radio. Each one is a different weird sound. One of them is a sound of a seabed creature, one a boat and the last is about a geological place (such as an iceberg, a coast or an ocean). 

Meanwhile in the codex code of the Companion App, the player has 3 buttons, each one is a sonar layer in which they can listen to 3 different sounds per layer including the sounds the player in the room can listen to.

The 3 layers are : 

  • Seabed creatures

  • Boats

  • Geological places

The difference between both players is the number of each sound they can listen to. It’s a sound puzzle, players have to find which ones they have in common by describing each of them until they find the correct one. 

The companion app player has information about each sound such as the name of the creature / boat / coast producing this sound.

Once the 3 sounds are found, the Companion App player has to be careful about the information related to each sound. 

Here are the solutions:


Sound of the "Laboon": 

Sound of the "Cetanae":

Sound of the "Coursodon":


Sound of the "Jackson":

Sound of the "Merry":

Sound of the "Sunny":

Geology places:

Sound of the "Cote":


Sound of the "Ocean":

Sound of the "Iceberg":

In the room, there is a book next to the submarine. Check it to get important information about the different sounds. Each page is related to a section.

00:00 / 00:19
00:00 / 00:20
00:00 / 00:20
00:00 / 00:13
00:00 / 00:16
00:00 / 00:14
00:00 / 00:20
00:00 / 00:20
00:00 / 00:20

There are three sections, each one is about one of the three layers and will give key information to solve the riddle. 

In the desk there are three posters: Cote, Ocean and Iceberg. On each poster there are zone names and their depth. 

Each section of the book will give you information about these zone names and what to do with them.

Geology places help players to find which poster they have to look after.

Creatures are related to a depth which is related to a name. The name's zone is the most important.

Boats will give instructions to follow such as using only vowels or consonants to unlock the submarine.

There is a difference between chinese version and the other languages.

For others, here are the informations:

Jackson boat: "can only discern the vowels pronounced by the speaker."

Merry boat: "can only discern the consonants pronouced by the speaker."

Sunny boat: "can only discern every other letter."

For chinese version:

Jackson boat: "选取已识别单词中的第2、第6、第7、第9、第11和第12个字母"

Merry boat: "选取已识别单词中的第1、第3、第4、第6、第8和第10个字母"

Sunny: "选取已识别单词中的第1、第3、第5、第7、第9和第11个字母"

To sum up, players have to find the right poster (the geology place sound) and the right depth (creature sound) to find the right word. Then they have to pick up the right letters (boat sound) that gives them the password to enter on the submarine model.

Here are the solutions:

• 1rst solution:

Creature : Cetanae

Boat: Jackson

Geology place: Cotes

The Cetanae leaves at 2500m under the sea, near the "cotes". The correct word is "FOND NAUTIQUE". The correct boat is the Jackson and the instruction is about the vowels. Players have to pick up the vowels of "FOND NAUTIQUE".

Here are the vowels : FOND NAUTIQUE  so the password is OAUIUE.

• 2nd solution:

Creature: Coursodon

Boat: Merry

Geology place: Ocean

The Coursodon leaves at 4200m under the sea, in the "ocean". The correct word is "LIMBE DIVISEE". The correct boat is the Merry and the instruction is about the consonants. Players have to pick up the consonants of "LIMBE DIVISEE".

Here are the consonants : LIMBE DIVISEE  so the password is LMBDVS.

• 3rd solution:

Creature: Laboon

Boat: Sunny

Geology place: Iceberg

The Laboon leaves at 500m under the sea, near the "iceberg". The correct word is "POINTE GIVREE". The correct boat is the Sunny and the instruction is about discerning every other letter. Players have to pick up the every other letter of "POINTE GIVREE".

Here are the solution : POINTE GIVREE  so the password is PITGVE.

Enter the correct password on the wheel below the submarine. Congrats, it reveals a part of the codex code.

> Solution: Globe


To unlock the second part of the codex code, this is where to start! The planets required to open the sun model are locked inside the globe.

Next to the globe there is a map with a codex code. The player in the room has to give it to the Companion App player so they can get in the codex.

Then, they have to focus on the checked world map. On it, there are multiple pins located on different countries and a protractor.  

On that map there is a starting point, it could be either in France, USA or Greenland. Each check on a map has a location. For example, the USA pin is located in D5.

The player in the room has to tell the starting point location to their mate so they can start the puzzle.

The codex code is a strange compass that player can spin, on it there are two key informations:

The first one is locations such as “H3”, “C4”, etc …  

The second one is a direction such as 195° SW (South West). Those will be your guide to solve the riddle.


Here is how it works:

The player in the room has to tell the location of the starting point pin. For example D5.

Then, the Companion App player has to spin the compass to line the arrow up with the location D5. This one gives a direction. For example: 47° NE.

Then, the player in the room has to put the protractor at D5, search 47° NE on it.Which will lead to another pin (here Greenland).

Then, this player has to tell the location of this new pin, etc…

Until it indicates 0° North which is the final location.

Here are the solutions:


Starting point: USA (D5 and direction 47°NE)

2nd country: Greenland (B9 and direction 195°S)

3rd country: Brazil (G8 and direction 120°SE)

4th country: South Africa (I13 and direction 90°E)

5th country: Australia (H19 and direction 325°NW)

Final country: India (E17 and direction 0°N)


Starting point: Greenland (B9 and direction 230°SW)

2nd country: USA (D5 and direction 150°SE)

3rd country: Brazil (G8 and direction 115°SE)

4th country: South Africa (I13 and direction 85°NE)

5th country: Australia (H19 and direction 350°NW)

Final country: Russia (B18 and direction 0°N)


Starting point: France (C12 and direction 70°NE)

2nd country: Russia (B18 and direction 150°SE)

3rd country: Japan (D20 and direction 230°SW)

4th country: South Africa (I13 and direction 295°NW)

5th country: Brazil (G8 and direction 10°NE)

Final country: Greenland (B9 and direction 0°N)

Now head to the globe and then click on each country you found in the corresponding order. If the globe opens, congrats you solved it! Now you have the planet's models you need to complete the solar system.

> Solution: Solar system

Solar system

You can't solve this puzzle without solving the globe puzzle before.

There are 7 planets inside the globe and players have to put them in the right place on the solar system model.

Instructions on where to place them are on the Companion App, the player has to check their photo gallery. There is a picture of the solar system with all the planets in their correct place, describe the planets and where they are located to the player in the room so they can complete the system!

Here is the picture on the gallery:

Here is the solution:

Once planets are placed, it reveals the other part of the codex code needed to open the secret door.

> Solution: Book


This riddle can only be solved if players have already solved all the other puzzles in that part of the room.


Players should have the two different parts of the codex code: the first part of the submarine model and the second part of the solar system.


The player in the room has to tell the codex code to their mate on the Companion App to access a picture of the room from a top view. On it they can find five books numbered from one to five. Each one of those books have a different color and symbol to recognize them.

For example:

The player on the Companion App has to describe them so the player in the room can place them in the bookcase in the correct order to open the secret door giving access to the second part of the car.

Congratulations, you just opened the secret door!


Here are all the solution:




> Solution: Constellations


This puzzle allows players to find the final door code.


There are two important things to find: the correct pocket watch and the 3 slides to put in the projector. 

The first step is to look through the window next to the bed to find the moon and its specific step of the lunar cycle (it changes every time players retry the car).

There is a poster near the sofa, it explains the name of each step of the lunar circle. 

For example: first quarter midnight, waxing gibbous moon, full moon, etc.

The player in the room has to find the right step of the lunar cycle that they can see outside the window and tell it to the Companion App player.

On the Companion App, check the voice recorder application to see new recordings. You have to listen to the one with the same name as the step of the lunar cycle. 

You also have to check the title of the audio in which there is an hour, it will help you choose the correct pocket watch. They are hidden in the furniture on the right when the player in the room enters the second part of that car.


The PC/Console player has to put the pocket watch on the base near the projector.

The second step is to find the correct slides.

The audio is about a story and constellations. The speaker gives the name of a constellation and its geolocation in the form of GPS coordinates.

Use these to find the name of the constellation, which slides to use and which pocket watch you have to look through. 

For example: The audio of the waxing gibbous moon at 01:15am record is about a constellation named the Colibri Luisant with the GSP coordinates: 50°51’32N.

The GPS coordinates are related to the slides on the car. The player in the room has to find the right slides (there is a number on each one). 
For example: the 50, the 51 and the 32 ones, and put them on the projector.


Once that’s done, there is a constellation that is projected on the wall. 

The player has to look through the pocket watch. Some stars are circles and numbered on those circles (1, 2 and 3).

Now, the Companion App player has to open its constellation book and go to the page related to the constellation’s name found previously. 

For example: the Colibri Luisant page. In it, you can see the constellation and each star is numbered.

The player in the room has to tell which stars are circled so the Companion App player can tell the number of each star.


Those numbers are the code to escape! Now head to the final door to get out!

Here are all the solutions:


The waxing gibbous moon

Voice recorder audio name: Waxing_gibbous_moon_01:15am.wav

Constellation: Colibri Luisant

The GPS coordinates are: 50°51’32N

The player in the room has to put the 01:15 pocket watch and the slides number 50, 51 and 32.

Final code: 783


The waning gibbous moon

Voice recorder audio name: Waning_gibbous_moon_04:30am.wav

Constellation: Chat à deux pattes

The GPS coordinates are: 47°12’50”N

The player in the room has to put the 04:30 pocket watch and the slides number 47, 12 and 50.

Final code: 487

Once that's done, enter the final code on the exit door. Here is an example:

Congratulations, you cleared the 6th room!


Welcome to the locomotive, the final car!

This car is the longest due to the number of puzzles you have to solve to escape it. 


At the player’s left when they enter the room there is a rocket puzzle composed of five different riddles.

At the left end of the car, there is another puzzle composed of two different puzzles.

Each of those two big puzzles gives a floppy disk that players have to put in the camera machine to unlock this final riddle.

Solution: Rocket: Filing up reserves

Solution: Rocket: Launch module

Solution: Rocket: Initialisation of the password

Solution: Rocket: Connectivity

Solution: Rocket: Placement

Solution: Cube machine

Solution: Motherboard

Solution: Cameras

> Solution: Rocket: Filing up reserves

Rocket Liquids

On the rocket, there is a panel with gauges and a codex code. The player in the room can interact with these buttons and gauges but needs the other player to solve the riddle. To start the riddle, use the codex code (4560).


In the codex, the Companion App player has a screen that displays information about what the player in the room has to do and buttons with symbols drawn on them.

This player has to push the start button below the screen. Then an instruction will appear on the screen, you have to tell it to your teammate.

For example: gasify liquids.

In the room, the player has to follow the instructions their mate is telling them by pressing the corresponding buttons or using the correct gauge.

For example: push the button with the gasify symbol.

Then, a symbol will appear on the top right corner of the machine. The player has to describe it to their mate so they can continue on the Companion App.

The Companion App player has to press the button with the symbol their mate has described.

Another instruction will now appear on the screen, give it to your mate and continue like this until the end of the puzzle. But be careful, you both have only twelve seconds to do each instruction!


Here are all the solutions:

1rst possibility:


  • Instruction 1: depressurize liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 2: put hydrazine at 20

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 3: heat the liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 4: set mercury to 60

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 5: set H2O to 40

  • Push symbol:

  • END


2nd possibility:


  • Instruction 1: gasify liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 2: set nitrogen to 50

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 3: set H20 to 10

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 4: cool the liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 5: depressurize liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • END


3rd possibility:


  • Instruction 1: heat the liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 2: set mercury to 30

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 3: depressurize liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 4: cool the liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 5: set nitrogen to 10

  • Push symbol:

  • END


4th possibility:


  • Instruction 1: cool the liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 2: set hydrazine to 20

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 3: set mercury to 30

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 4: gasify the liquids

  • Push symbol:

  • Instruction 5: set H20 to 20

  • Push symbol:

  • END
